Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ohio Lottery Most Frequent Numbers

Teaser Tuesdays and Wednesdays Www

Well this week they both skip, because:
  1. as the last, even in this I have not read fiction books, but I prefer books about autism and then resume when I have two initiatives concluded my research (so from next week resume full speed reading for leisure);
  2. these are busy days and then not have much time to keep your pc or read books on something other than the aforementioned theme uu

good news, however, there 'is: it seems that I've won a copy of The Secret of the Grace College Krystyna Kuhn, raffled by' Atelier books.
Here is a small tab on the book, due out tomorrow in the library:

Title: The Secret of Grace College
Author: Krystyna Kuhn
Year: 2011
Publisher: North
Collection: Fiction
Genre: Mystery , Yellow
Pages: 320
Price: € 16.00
Fourth of Cover: A welcome party on the shore of Mirror Lake: so the students are accepted from Grace College, a prestigious private universities in the country's best students. But the party could turn into tragedy when Robert Frost, one of the brightest students of the first year, suddenly plunges into the icy waters of the lake and, once rescued, says I saw a blue haired girl diving off a cliff without surfacing. But no one has noticed anything, and Robert soon becomes the laughingstock of the campus. Only her sister Julia believes him and decides to investigate, because since their arrival in that inaccessible place, nestled in a remote valley of the Rocky Mountains, she felt hostile and threatening atmosphere. And most of all because a girl is really gone. This is Angela, the editor in chief of the university newspaper, but is on a wheelchair and certainly does not have blue hair. Although Julia seems determined to prove that his brother is neither crazy nor a liar, in reality its purpose is well different: it must ensure that she and Robert attract too much attention, otherwise someone could dig into their past and discover the terrible secret that has forced them to abandon everything they hold dear ...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Very Rich Brownie Recipe

W. .. W. .. W. ..

New Appointment (as promised last night) with a nice section designed by MizB of Should be Reading , which is to answer three questions, always on books.
" What are you currently reading? (What are you reading right now?)
"What did you recently finish reading? (What have you been reading lately?)
" What do you think you'll read next? (What will the next book you read?)

Here are my answers:
" What are you reading right now?
I'm reading Autism by Uta Frith, one in the book is an argument that has always fascinated me a lot and, as I help a friend, I'm documenting and then I'm reading animate a group of catechesis of Claude and Jacqueline Lagarde, text that is useful to me during my work with children in the parish. Unfortunately this week I do not know what I'll have time to read something of fiction, but I'll try.

" What have you been reading lately?
As you can read in previous posts, I recently finished reading a preview Vango - Between Earth and Sky Timothée de Fombelle, here you can find my review.
And I finally finished reading de The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring by JRR Tolkien was a grind finish it, because I drew him for years, but this is not a bad book, indeed I like very much.

" What will the next book you read?
I'm not sure what book will address these later, for sure will be a yellow, to refer back a bit '"eyes" after Vango

XD And you, what would you answer these three questions? If you want you can tell in the comments =)


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What's The Easiest Way To Mount A License Plate

Teaser Tuesdays Wednesdays # 4 # x

jump this week with the appointment Teaser Tuesdays , because these days, apart Vango The Lord of the Rings and , I'm reading more like the animation of texts related to autism and children's groups, then there is very little narrative.

Tomorrow, however there will be an ordinary meeting on Wednesday;)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Halex 100-64635 Ac Adapter

[Review Preview] Vango - Between Earth and Sky

I just finished reading a preview of the new book by Timothée de Fombelle, and I have submitted three days ago (also carry- Hence the schemino, even if you find it in the post below).

Title: Vango - Between Earth and Sky
Author: Timothée de Fombelle
Released: February 2011
Publisher: Edizioni San Paolo
Collection: Fiction St. Paul Boys
Genre: Fiction, Adventure
Pages: 419
Price: /
Fourth Cover: Paris 1935. At the foot of the cathedral of Notre-Dame, forty men are lying on the ground waiting to be ordained priests. Among them is Vango, nineteen years, a past shrouded in mystery and a future as uncertain, because - just before the ceremony begins - the police made his entrance to the churchyard to arrest him.
But what crime he committed? Vango does not know it and escape by climbing up the facade and towers of the cathedral. The police, however, is not the only interested in the guy, there is also a young woman who eagerly follows the flight as a suspicious looking man who opens fire on him. Escaped arrest, the boy tries to get in touch with his mentor, Father Jean, and discovered to his being accused of the assassination of the priest. About
plot behind Vango, Vango and who is in reality? Growing up in the Aeolian Islands, where he had mysteriously landed in three years with his nurse, Mademoiselle, who loved him like a son, protecting it from its own past can not know a lot even to him.
Around Vango rotate historical figures such as Hugo Eckener, the captain of the Graf Zeppelin, and other fancy like Zephyr, the head of the convent monaco Secret of Alicudi. Then there's Ethel, Scottish, rich, young and deeply in love with him. Finally there are the enemies, terrible, ruthless, one for all: Stalin! Just him, the Soviet dictator himself.

The previous post ended with this question: To me it seems really interesting, and you?

Now that I finished reading a preview all that interest aroused in the first instance, whether the plot is the early chapters, has vanished as the snow melts in the sun.
The question I asked myself when I read the last words of those 419 pages was: So what? But in the end, who the hell is the protagonist?
The author does not seem to be clear from the outset about who to point the camera, to use jargon in television / film, as every two to three changes from one point of view. The result: a big headache.

But first things first: everything seems to begin in front of Notre-Dame, Vango is forced to flee when the police (and I'm still wondering why on earth have decided to escape, rather than clarify everything or be good and listen to what I had to tell the cops ... Dunno, maybe it was written in the book and has escaped me) climbing the cathedral as a new Spider-Man to save his life. Later the main character will know to be charged with the murder of Father Jean, his spiritual guide in the workshop.
From the moment he discovers the murder, the author takes us back in time, when Vango child is stranded on an island in the Aeolian Islands with his nanny, Mademoiselle. This flashback takes 2:00 to 3:00 chapters and confuses the reader, if you were first involved in the story and wanted to know how it goes forward, she finds herself do not understand anything.
Then this is ricatapultati, Vango be able to get away? And who knows, because the reader finds himself on the shores of Lake Constance, Germany, more precisely in the hangar of the Zeppelin and Hugo Eckener now looks clear the swastika (remember that everything takes place in the years between 1934 and 1936) from the helm of the aircraft, including a historical digression on the zeppelin and another. Vango, you will find only at a later time, arrived to find his old friend and asks for help.
But you'd better stop me here with the plot, I'd hate to spoil the read for those interested.

Personally, However, I managed really badly the omniscient narrator, but not only here but throughout the book: it gives information that is absolutely unnecessary to the story, showing just how much the author has documented on certain facts which, frankly, could also be hidden the rest of the story. (It is true, we often complain that many authors today are not properly documenting when they write something, but I find that it is also a duty to complain when an author shows off the documentation, entirely outside the story he is writing . Ok, it's a children's book, but there are notes in the back of the book for something, right?)
The plot unfolds encountering various characters, but really existed and most of the time it focuses more on these than on the real protagonist, who, remember, should always have the spotlight focused on him, and many times is left to itself, again and have somewhere and somehow arrived at that point (a examples include Vango leave the seminar in Paris, then we find, after several chapters, in Germany to seek help from Hugo Eckener. How did you come from Paris to Lake Constance? Mystery).
Not to mention the whole chapters devoted to minor characters who are lost in history and, at first describes in great detail, especially in terms of their past, then literally disappear, swallowed up somewhere somehow and for some reason, or there are characters that pop out of nowhere, especially if it really existed, and then they know everything, even many years after the events successful period in which the story takes.

It seems strange that an author does not get lost in most emerging things like that or can no longer manage the plot devised by himself.
The basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe story is good, but there are too many characters that revolve around the protagonist and who want more space in the story (because that really seems to have its own life and that the author is a puppet in their hands, forced to write about what they want), but unfortunately have be relegated to secondary characters.
In my opinion, the character who more than anyone deserved the scene in its entirety is Zefiro . It is probably the richest character and on which the author should have from the beginning point, not making it virtually a shoulder Vango, relegated to tell their story in a chapter and leave aside for the whole book, finding almost at the end .

Generally I like the novels of this kind, but I found Vango involving only the beginning, then I started to utter confusion, in practice I was not the most, I did not know who the protagonist, who the enemy, too many names and no face to which to approach, because if the characters really existed we have pictures of those invented by the author do not have a name and some occasional description.

I regret not having found this book short of initial expectations that I had read the story, unfortunately, three stars are not enough (it deserves two, but I'd feel too guilty, because there is something good. .. hidden, but there is) for Vango and his adventures.


Rating: So-so

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Popcorn Calories 1 Cup Unpopped

[Preview] Vango - Between Earth and Sky

Today, I want to tell an interesting and very forthcoming about the new book by Timothée de Fombelle known author of the books of Tobit and You are my world.

Title: Vango - Between Earth and Sky
Author: Timothée de Fombelle
Released: February 2011
Publisher: Edizioni San Paolo
Collection: St. Paul Children Fiction
Genre: Fiction, Adventure
Pages: 419
Price: /
Back cover: Paris 1935. At the foot of the cathedral of Notre-Dame, forty men are lying on the ground waiting to be ordained priests. Among them is Vango, nineteen years, a past shrouded in mystery and a future as uncertain, because - just before the ceremony begins - the police made his entrance to the churchyard to arrest him.
But what crime he committed? Vango does not know it and escape by climbing up the facade and towers of the cathedral. The police, however, is not the only interested in the guy, there is also a young woman who eagerly follows the flight as a man of shady to open fire on him. Escaped arrest, the boy tries to get in touch with his mentor, Father Jean, and discovered to his being accused of the assassination of the priest. About
plot behind Vango, Vango and who is in reality? Growing up in the Aeolian Islands, where he had mysteriously landed in three years with his nurse, Mademoiselle, who loved him like a son, protecting him from his own past, we do not know much even for him.
Around Vango rotate historical figures such as Hugo Eckener, the captain of the Graf Zeppelin, and other fancy like Zephyr, the head of the convent monaco Secret of Alicudi. Then there's Ethel, Scottish rich, young and deeply in love with him. Finally there are the enemies, terrible, ruthless, one for all: Stalin! Just him, the Soviet dictator himself.

definitely gives the impression of being a book suitable not only to children but also adults, because it has all the ingredients to excite and engage the reader with its plot.

To me it seems really interesting, and you?


Old Do You Have Tan Beach Bum

Shopping tips and interesting things

From my post on the various books I read I would not say that it is short of ideas (because I read books from the rear), yet I feel a little ' in certain kinds of abstinence, and then ask you blog readers, and not occasional.
The question is simple and direct: you have any books to recommend?
Obviously there are some restrictions, for example because I'm sick of trilogies, pentalogy and the like, for once I would like to read a good book in a fantasy only. Or hate the books of Troisi and all the authors who are already famous before it comes out a book because the publisher does not mention that even though the volume of their debut has yet to be finished.
As I read some kinds' of everything, so you can just pick any. And if books are a bit 'dated, do not feel free to advise ;)

So, you like to recommend something to read in the near future?
Do not be shy and do your thing, I've never eaten anyone and I do not think I will start now XD

*** And now we come to the "interesting things" to which the title refers.

are many days that I promise to review Chinese box Monica Lombardi, so I'll leave the comment here too "hot" I gave the book on aNobii and I hope you can make up at least a little ' waiting for something more substantial and "juicy."

The book I liked it, otherwise there would be four stars XD, I must say that at first I had taken very little, in fact I had to reread the first chapter twice, first to be totally involved in the affair.
Going forward, then, the involvement of the player is total: no longer able to detach from the book. And this is good because it is difficult to store when you read the book, is an evil, why you want the story to continue to satisfy the desire to know everything possible about the characters involved.

And I must admit that * megalomania mode on * I'm a genius, so I knew almost immediately who the culprit XD (all because of my "professional bias", how passionate are yellow, the guilty to smell them miles away)

The other interesting thing about the 'Atelier books, which yesterday announced a new giveaway that gives, for the lucky three copies of the book The Secret of Grace College Krystyna Kuhn, published by the North and to be released on January 27. By clicking on the banner below you can read a review and preview, of course, to your participation in the giveaway (closes Jan. 26).
I participate because I find that the book is very interesting and then it's a genre that I like very much, so if you're interested, I suggest you give your membership, you may be among the lucky ones who will win one of three copies up for grabs =)


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Whats Mercedes Comand

W. .. W. .. W. ..

Even today, a bit 'late to the roadmap, however, here is the third round of the blog with the nice section designed by MizB of Should be Reading and is to answer three questions, always on the books.
" What are you currently reading? (What are you reading right now?)
" What did you recently finish reading? (What have you been reading lately?)
" What do you think you'll read next? (What will the next book you read?)

Here are my answers:
" What are you reading right now?
I'm still reading The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring by JRR Tolkien I miss a few pages ...

" What have you been reading lately?
And before finally concluding the first book in the trilogy, I decided to give a look at The Hobbit, by JRR Tolkien always.

" What will the next book you read?
Most likely I will concentrate on The Secret of Blue Blood Melissa de la Cruz .

And you, what would you answer these three questions? If you want you can tell in the comments =)


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Reupholster Bmw Seats Price

Teaser Tuesdays Wednesdays # 3 # 3

was already thinking I'd forgotten that, right? But no, here's tecondo appointment with the initiative created by MizB of Should be Reading , whose rules are:
1) Get the book you're reading;
2) Open it up to a point case;
3) Write down a short piece on that page, making sure not to write spoilers;
4) Report title and author of the book cited.
Here is the Teaser this week:
rang again the echo of feet fast chasing them in the throat behind them, was a violent noise, like a wind storm unleashed through the leafy pines. Glorfindel turned for a moment to listen, then jumped out a cry.
Chapter XII, p. 295, The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring , JRR Tolkien

What is your Teaser of the week? You can leave a comment to this post to let you know =)


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Why Do I Itch All The Time


Since the holidays are officially over and I wanted to renew a little 'blog, I thought of designing a new logo.
Perhaps the quality is not the best, I would say that the design is rather childish, but this I offer my very limited skills with graphics, especially when it comes to hand draw
XD Anyway I hope you like this news ^ ^

Soon, I hope there will be a review of the book Chinese box of Monica Lombardi. And I'm also thinking of doing one thing, but then I do not know how long I will have to follow everything I have in the web ... we'll see;)


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Clothecity Com Reviews

New W. .. W. .. W. .. Wednesdays # 2 Sunshine Award

second round of the blog with the nice section designed by MizB of Should be Reading and consists of answering three questions, always on the books.
" What are you currently reading? (What are you reading right now?)
" What did you recently finish reading? (What have you been reading lately?)
" What do you think you'll read next? (What will the next book you read?)

Here are my answers:
" What are you reading right now?
I'm reading The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring by JRR Tolkien is the right time and maybe it will end XD

" What have you been reading lately?
few hours ago I finished reading Chinese boxes Monica Lombardi, a yellow really interesting and exciting. Soon I'll write the review (most likely tonight or tomorrow, depends on the time at my disposal, contest permitting).

" What will the next book you read?
probably will once again The Fourth Canticle Patrick Tama, is still a bit 'and if The Lord of the Rings is "taking space", it means that this will be read shortly.

And you, what would you answer these three questions? If you want you can tell in the comments =)

How To Know How Many Calories At School

I must say that this year opens in the best way, because two blogs, and Browsing Books of Claire , rewarded with the VM Sunshine Award. I warmly thank the bloggers who have chosen to reward even my simple blogghino ^ ^

And now the rules of the prize:
'thank those who have honored us.
"Write a post for the prize
" Pass it to 12 blogs that we think deserve
"Enter the link to each blog that we have chosen
" Telling awarded
Choose from 12 blog award is not easy, because there are very many who deserve this award ... but after thinking a lot ', here's my "list".

1. Leafing
3. Dreaming Reading
4. Virtual Reading
7. The Book-Lover
8. The time of Paper
9. Living Books for
11. The pleasure of reading
12. Forgotten Pages

I highly recommend a ride in each of these blogs, because they are truly one of the other more interesting =)


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Pokemon Gba Platinum Gameshark Cheats

Teaser # 2 Tuesdays

second meeting with the initiative created by MizB of Should be Reading , whose rules are:
1) Get the book you're reading;
2) April in a case in point;
3) Write down a short piece on that page, being careful not to write spoilers;
4) Report title and author of the book cited.
Here is the Teaser this week:

Meggie must have heard the car, because while they were walking the short path opened the door, then move aside to let them in. .
"Children are not there?" immediately asked his brother.
"No, when I have I phoned the hospital called Brad, who was going to take the baby-sitter. They stopped outside a pizza, so we are more calm. "
Chapter 15, p. 89, Chinese boxes, Monica Lombardi

What is your teaser of the day? If you want you can tell in the comments = )


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Kates Playground Hi Def

Good intentions bookish

And here we are in a new year and, of course, I could not fail to make a list of good intentions for this 2011.
About I have a friend on Facebook or read my lj (I need time to keep a bit 'latest uu) may have read what my good intentions beyond the scope of books, but here I want to quote a very short list of points that I have compiled over the last days of 2010 and which concerns this very blog.
[I say brief, because it's really very few points and also because I have very big claims.]
1. Read as many books as possible, I would not put a limit, but let's at least a week (and do not read two or three or more simultaneously);
2. Review schedule with the books I read, the more I read the better XD
3. Continue the work done in December 2010 for Veiled Mirror , because it is nice to have a full blog post;
4. Try to work with the publishers, perhaps by joining groups of reading the books out.
four points, but very ... dense, especially the number three which concerns purely the blog. In fact the last month of 2010 I was surprised myself to have this updated every space and, above all, having written more in that month than in previous years (11 was the maximum number of posts that I published in 2009 ). So I hope I can keep going in this new year, because I like to write here, though maybe not the posts are popular, but certainly I do not for fame, because this is just a place to give free rein to my thoughts and opinions about books, writing, various events that happen in these two worlds.

course this year (and immediately) I hope to lose the bad habit of taking a long time ago, to read more books at once, because I realize that so many remain hopelessly behind and abandon them or rebuke in hand after year (prime example: The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring , which began in the spring of 2007 and not yet completed).

still renew my best wishes for a happy new year and good reading (both blogs, and books that you have or have you given away).
