second round of the blog with the nice section designed by MizB of Should be Reading and consists of answering three questions, always on the books.
" What are you currently reading? (What are you reading right now?)
" What did you recently finish reading? (What have you been reading lately?)
" What do you think you'll read next? (What will the next book you read?)
Here are my answers:
" What are you reading right now?
I'm reading The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring by JRR Tolkien is the right time and maybe it will end XD
" What have you been reading lately?
few hours ago I finished reading Chinese boxes Monica Lombardi, a yellow really interesting and exciting. Soon I'll write the review (most likely tonight or tomorrow, depends on the time at my disposal, contest permitting).
" What will the next book you read?
probably will once again The Fourth Canticle Patrick Tama, is still a bit 'and if The Lord of the Rings is "taking space", it means that this will be read shortly.
And you, what would you answer these three questions? If you want you can tell in the comments =)
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