Friday, March 11, 2011

Swollen Big Toe Cuticle

Archeodetecting, hunters coins

In the parks and the sea, with the metal detector: a hobby that is spreading 'Loot' daily up to 60 € sieve beaches.

Seekers' s hidden, if anything. "But please do not call us grave robbers' eco-buster, rather, volunteers armed with metal detectors that passion to sift through the subsoil, the discovery of a varied bric à brac that emerges from a more or less recent past. Telephone tokens, cans, car batteries, as well as ancient coins, archaeological remnants of war in the trenches and all areas of the subsurface can keep: for one day a year, a century or even a millennium. The 'hobby metal detector search is a growing phenomenon that sees increase in summer its adherents: those officers who join to the' Area 'Association researchers 's ecology el' archeology ', and others: an unquantifiable number of those who, in defiance of the rules (the accidental discovery of movable property is governed by Legislative Decree 490 of 1999) scour zones' archaeological interest and do not report the found. Rome in particular, with its surroundings, is their kingdom, a territory, as it is hard to believe, still largely unexplored, although only in 'last year, the Superintendent of State has rediscovered the city as well five thousand graves, of which most with grave goods intact, to an average of 30 inches deep. A good metal detector (in the market you can buy models from 200 to beyond the 4000 euro, more than one hundred hours of battery life) is able to reveal the 'existence of iron, gold and silver, even in small quantities. And the collections are mainly numismatic (and illegal) doing business' s gold thanks to the discovery of diamonds, and auri sesterces. Tutt 'other story for the members' area', which brings together 150 regional headquarters of the Lazio fans.

Their chairman is Maurizio De Angelis, 40, a professional cook in a canteen for priests. The Roman See "Area" is a Tor Bella Monaca, home of the President: "The passion for metaldetecting - said De Angelis - was born when 'I was a child. And now the 'I sent my wife and my 12 year old daughter, both to members' association. L 'Area-Lazio is in effect a club of volunteers, who pay a small fee in exchange for receiving the annual issues of the journal Metaldetector' Bible Finder. Among the members, including many women and they all compete in the "Grand Slam" of hunters, a true national championship by winning the final, which takes place every year in various parts of 'Italy. The next stop on September 14 in Civitavecchia, for the final national el 'election of Miss Metal Detector 2003 (info: tel. 347.5419979,, 'For the occasion - said De Angelis - we make a goldsmith of perfect reproductions of ancient coins, gold and silver. Each finding is a score at the end becomes the sum and was proclaimed the winner and the currencies remain for those who found them. " Competitive spirit aside, a passion for the metal detector, the lawful, also includes the so-called "beach seekers," especially visible in late summer, at the 'dawn and at night, in sandy areas where there are no constraints. There is a good detector of the type suitable for research in water, allow to find coins for an average of 50-60 € per day. "The new currency, with many coins, brought new life to the lovers of this type of research, which was a bit 'in fall. And yet there are still coins and skullcaps' s 800, often of little value but of great satisfaction for those who dig. "

Edoardo Sassi, article in Corriere della Sera taken


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