Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What To Do With A Raised Ranch

W. .. W. .. W. ..

New Appointment with the nice section designed by MizB of Should be Reading , which is to answer three questions, always on the books.
" What are you currently reading? (What are you reading right now?)
" What did you recently finish reading? (What have you been reading lately?)
" What do you think you'll read next? (What will the next book you read?)

Here are my answers:
" What are you reading right now?
Some time ago I joined a reading group and book in question (which will keep me company for a month or so) is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire JK Rowling, so I'm re-reading, is not one of my favorites ever (for me the best are the fifth and sixth ... and a little 'seventh XD), but it's always a pleasure to relive a bit 'the adventures of Harry.
And then, although I had promised myself not to read more books at the same time, I'm Continue reading Shadowhunters - City of Bones by Cassandra Clare , I left it a bit 'in the background, but since I have some' free time, I'm going.

" What have you been reading lately?
I recently completed (even if quite a while ') The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring by JRR Tolkien .

" What will the next book you read?
If finally deigned to put together, is very likely to read, after Shadowhunters , The Secret of the Grace College Krystyna Kuhn, whose story has interested me from the start. I hope that is not how many books are so interesting that the plot and then, ultimately, it's all smoke and no fire.

And you, what would you answer these three questions? If you want you can tell in the comments =)



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